首页 > 其他类型 > 阿紫 > 第178章 两者之间

第178章 两者之间(第2/2 页)

最新其他类型小说: 末世!最强大佬的娇气小猫变人了你比星星更耀眼!末日降临:我却在玩塔防师父别装了,我知道你不是好人小道姑下山给顾大少做师父不是吧!全世界都在磕他们的CP穿越活着:成了徐福贵弟弟徐福气魔法少女伊莉雅:UBW东洲往事峡谷巅峰系统暗夜医心霸道总裁的小仙女NBA:顶级天赋怪,射爆库里重生七零,退婚改嫁日子红红火火惊,被弃养的小孤女是天道亲闺女蜗牛蛊半妖琉璃倾城宫主之绝色夫君黄泉旅行者万人迷被前男友的兄弟们盯上了

is baby. He really overrated himself. \"Are you her current husband?\" Why, what do you mean by that? Baby, but if you call a suzerain like this, is it difficult for you to be on an equal footing? Besides, you deserve to be on an equal footing with baby. \"What\u0027s wrong with her, don\u0027t you know?\" She still has questions. What about me?)




(\"All right, go and cook some food. I\u0027m hungry.\" \"You want me to cook for you?\" \"Didn\u0027t the baby say that just now?\"? Even if you serve me in the future, there is nothing wrong with this request. Is it difficult for you to disobey the order? That\u0027s really interesting. The servant is not obedient on the first day. It seems that we need to educate him well.)


